
How To Name My Business

January 13, 2023

Before we dive into the YOU, let’s quickly chat through the WHAT in coming up with your business name, shall we? Think of your ideal client stopping in their tracks when scrolling down their google page because they saw a name that spoke out to them. When coming up with your name, you need to […]

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Our blog was created for beauty industry artist DIYer's but also for education purposes to keep every CEO in this business up to date with business management practices to save time and keep their books filled!


How To Name Your Business

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Want to know how to stop your ideal clients scroll? Check this out for alll the goodies!

Before we dive into the YOU, let’s quickly chat through the WHAT in coming up with your business name, shall we?

Think of your ideal client stopping in their tracks when scrolling down their google page because they saw a name that spoke out to them. When coming up with your name, you need to know WHAT goes through your ideal clients mind when they see that business name and WHY it attracted them in the first place.

Knowing the what, where and why will help to easily narrow down the HOW in this case (not to mention make your marketing strategy sooo much EASIER) with how to stop their scroll and give you a click! So, did I convince you to stock your beauty business with the essentials? Good, let’s do this.

Consider Your Future Client + Build Your Mood Board

First things first, your business name is not for you. It is for your future clients. Everything in your business is for your future clients actually. Those dream clients you want to attract 6 months from now. Speaking of, Jo hosted a killer workshop back at the beginning of the year about the ideology of giving your future self a chance to work with the clients you’re dreaming of. So many of us forget to align our BUSINESS NAME with our IDEAL CLIENT.

We’ve got our vision board, we’ve written it in our dream journal, we’ve bought a whole Amalfi Coast wardrobe….but our business name?

Reflects ourselves, what means a lot to US, what colors WE like, OUR social life….

If you want to make your mark in this over saturated (802,000+ U.S. beauty artists in 2022) industry for say NBR extensions, then right NOW, I need you to create a poll on your Instagram and Facebook page to figure out their likes and dislikes:

What is the ideal age and gender your ideal client is?

What is the income class that can afford your services?

How about their psychographics?

What do they desire most in life?

Are they interested in trendy bar scenes or are they way too busy being a mom juggling every little thing for their kiddos?

Where do they like to vacation?

Where are they going to stay connected to family and friends?

Who do they follow the most for beauty hacks? Influencers?

What apps are they using most in their down time?

Are they reality tv watchers or are they into GOT???

So what does this mean??

When you can create a mood board around your ideal clients likes and desires, you can take a step back to look at that board. What are the first 3 words that come to mind when you look at that board? Now I want you to write down 5 synonyms for each of those 3 words. Then take your industry, start playing around with those words and start putting them together. This should give you a good starting point in creating a business name that speaks to your ideal clients’ SOUL!

Get into the mind of your future client and draw inspiration from key sources to help aid in the overall vision and vibe for discovering your business name. And think beyond the digital universe as you source inspiration.

Determine the Location that Makes Sense for Your Client

Once you have your names set, you need to take location into thought. Does this ideal client live in the city or the country? How far are they willing to commute for that bombshell look they’re going for? Maybe you have it in your mind to scale and have multiple locations, so maybe adding the city in the name would benefit you for SEO purposes. Who isn’t all for free SEO?! If your ideal client is in your home town, then you need to think of words that describe your home town. Is there an iconic Magnolia tree in the heart of town that everyone knows about? Maybe that’s where the name Magnolia Salon & Spa came from (I’m sure there’s one of those out there somewhere, thank you Joanna Gaines lol).

Last but not least…

Creating Your CORE Values

With the demographic checked off your to-do list, let’s get into the really MEANINGFUL part: YOUR core values. This is the only item that gets to be about you when creating your business. It’s the heart of your brand and everything falls into place once you finish this last step. Determining these next three pillars will give your business name a strong foundation that will last. Are you ready? Let’s dive in…

  1. Brand Mission: The reason WHY you ever began in this industry and WHY you do what you do.
  2. Brand Vision: This is what you see for the future of your business. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How does that align with your business and where does your business need to be profit wise in order for you to achieve that? Are you scaling or do you see yourself eventually working out of your home? Let your mind go wild, anything is possible with the right tactics in place.
  3. Brand Values: The standards your business will follow and uphold in pursuit of your mission and vision. For example, Starbucks brews a great cup of coffee (for some, that’s negotiable but stay with me), but its success can be attributed to its culture.
    • Creating culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
    • Delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results
    • Acting with courage, challenging the status quo and finding new ways to grow our company and each other
    • Being present, connecting with transparency, dignity, and respect

Once you have your three pillars finished, this should not only give the finishing touches for name inspiration but also help you with the next stages you’ll need in building your brand!!

Let’s recap

As you already know, we have strong opinions about most things when it comes to setting ourselves apart online and within our communities (& up for major success). And while I could keep writing (#longandweird crew can co-sign), I will wrap it up with these rapid-fire tips for a successful brainstorming session:

Equipped with these tips, we can hear the best hype-Momager out there yelling, “you’re doing great sweetie,” already. So, take that Melissa McCarthy energy into building the business of your dreams because we know you’re set up to totally kill it.

Cheers (& always in your corner!),



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I'm Jo, your new beauty industry booth rent coach

I'm a small-town Kansas educator, digital designer, brand enthusiast, & workflow strategist with big dreams and a burning desire to elevate client experience in our beauty industry nationwide.

Very into: gorgeous frothy lattes, streamlined systems, and hyping beauty artists up while giving them the tools to impact their lives and their community in a HUGE way. Avoiding small talk since 1991.

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How to Name Your Business

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