How to prep for brand photo shoot

How to Make Your Brand Photo Shoot Pop

In honor of all the pops of color that summer provides us, the Sunkissed skin and having that summer glow, brand shoots are in full swing because hey, nothing beats a natural tan for pictures! Before we dive into the HOW though, let’s first talk about the importance of the WHY of a brand shoot, […]

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Boost Your Beauty Business with AI: SEO Strategies for Beauty Artists


5 Mistakes That Kill Beauty Artists


How To Name My Business


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How to Own Your Passion, Stand Out in This Industry, Build a Successful Biz, and Have Fun Doing It!

What Type of VIP Are You?

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How to prep for brand photo shoot

In honor of all the pops of color that summer provides us, the Sunkissed skin and having that summer glow, brand shoots are in full swing because hey, nothing beats a natural tan for pictures! Before we dive into the HOW though, let’s first talk about the importance of the WHY of a brand shoot, […]

How to Make Your Brand Photo Shoot Pop


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10 ways to use AI in your beauty business

Did you know, on average, about 90% of beauty industry solopreneurs aren’t using SEO strategies in their email marketing or a consistent marketing strategy at all? Crazy, right? (Well maybe not that crazy considering who in the heck has the time and knowhow for it. As I started accepting more clients and growing the BIBRC […]

Boost Your Beauty Business with AI: SEO Strategies for Beauty Artists


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Whether you’re a student, running your own business as a booth renter (my bread and butter), or even a seasoned booth renter that may need a revamp — listen up, because this is for you. 8 years ago, I decided I could do things better than what was out there and made the decision to […]

5 Mistakes That Kill Beauty Artists


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How to Name Your Business

Before we dive into the YOU, let’s quickly chat through the WHAT in coming up with your business name, shall we? Think of your ideal client stopping in their tracks when scrolling down their google page because they saw a name that spoke out to them. When coming up with your name, you need to […]

How To Name My Business


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Learn my EXACT method with how I organize my launch strategy and how you can do the same for YOUR business!

Five secrets to launching your beauty business!

Better than Free Ice Cream!

Do the (side) hustle!

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Every quarter, Jo announces metrics on the top performing services in the industry, so you know where the demand is at all times. Because hey, we're business owners and we need to know if we need to pivot or stay right where we are. Sign up today to stay in the know!