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I believe in making your business work        you, not the other way around.

I believe in making your business work        you, not the other way around.

Seeing artists succeed while fueling their passion fires me up. But you know what fires me up even more? Data; maaaan I love data. So I got to work, crunched the numbers, tested my methods (like a LOT) until I found the one that produced quality clients like none other -- and now I'm giving it to you.

are you ready to go booth rent?

scroll on if you're into it.

snag my spot!


Welcome to the good life. Where you can focus on your artistry passion and go home at night to kick your feet up that you've been standing on all day.

You can do this because you're a BIBRC VIP who has your business running on autopilot, your client experience streamlined and a strategy in place that gives you clarity in your super simple daily actions that are making your wildest dreams a reality.

 You know how I know this?

Because I've done it myself. I've been exactly where you are and probably even worse. Broke, (like really broke) huge dreams and not a clue of what steps I needed to take in order to get me to where I wanted to be.

But guess what? Once I put this method into my life, I started repeating it in others, tweaking, adjusting, tweaking again, adding more....and then BAM, the flood gates opened and I had a method that took my clients businesses from twiddling their thumbs, waiting on walk-ins to their books being filled consistently 3-4 months out on autopilot.

I've been where you are, and together, we're going to change that. 

VSM 2.0

Beauty Marketing & Business Strategy + Brand & Website Design Built to Attract Your Dream Clients

Ready for your life to change?

"Jordan is the absolute best! She helped with literally EVERYTHING setting up my own business! She walked me through every step and I definitely couldn't have done it without her! I have doubled my weekly makings by listening and following her plan! 10/10 recommend for all your booth rent/business needs!

— Jordyn

"I have doubled my weekly makings by listening and following her plan!"

Even the hair dresser that invented Ariana Grande's snatched high ponytail or Jennifer Lopez's bouncy, bombshell curls from the 2020 Super Bowl halftime show started from somewhere. Just like you. With growing on social media though, stems backend business systems to control the influx of client management and experience, and Appleton didn't become who he is today without a strategy. So what's stopping you from having your own too? 

Everyone starts somewhere. Even Chris Appleton, social media-famous hair artist.

why can't every beauty artist be given the tools needed to run a streamlined business while they focus on their passion?

but guess what...

The VIP Signature Method


Are you ready to take the headache out of your marketing platforms? What about your back-end systems and finance strategy?? Sound like heaven? It gets better. Jo's method is a completely done-for-you white glove service that includes coaching to give you clarity and confidence in how to run a successful beauty business aligned with your personal goals and your ideal client in mind.

You'll go through a goal mapping exercise and then receive a 1:1 call with Jo to create a highly detailed roadmap of how to attain each one of those goals with tasks attached to metrics. After your call, Jo will craft your custom financial strategy with target numbers you'll need to hit each month to attain your specific goals down to the weekly strategy to attain them. Jo will also curate your Ideal Client Analysis within your Business Amplifier Blueprint and deliver your launch marketing kit with a highly detailed content strategy calendar that she will automate within your booking software.

You'll learn how to dive deep into your ideal client identification with a workbook as well as a personality assessment that Jo will then combine the results from and create a brand that aligns with your goals as well as attracts your ideal clientele. 

Here's What You'll Receive

Business & Finance Strategy

Branding Design & Ideal Client Identification

solution #1 - Intensive goal mapping

solution #2 - Build your brand suite

You'll receive optimization of all your social platforms, your lead capture magnet of a website (with high functioning SEO to get your business found on Google), all your business software integrated to run seamlessly with one another + weekly accountability coaching calls to update you on the status of your system as well as holding you accountable to your weekly strategy   +4 complimentary calls to make sure you're confident in running your new system before we send you on your way!

Website Design & SEO 

solution #4 - looking & feeling legit

Jo will coordinate your custom branded photoshoot to gather material needed for your socials and website layout. She will help you with outfit shopping, makeup & hair coordination and more. During the shoot, Jo ensures that everything runs smoothly, keeping an eye on the details and maintaining the brand's consistency. You will then receive your photos, hype video and launch kit to start implementing immediately, building your audience before your launch.  

Branded Photoshoot

solution #3 - Lights, camera, action


Work less on your business and make more in a month than ever before.

How does this sound?

Fill your books with your dream clients that make your heart happy.



the results you're going to get:

Create a tribe of loyal followers who actually end up in your chair or table.


Kick that self doubt in the booty and feel confident because you look like a boss babe everywhere.


Run your business with a strategy that is engrained to your CRM so you never miss a beat


take my card

How It Works

Secure your spot (only 6 available each quarter) with your deposit.

First This

You focus on mastering your artistry technique and just stay on top of your emails

Then this

Continue to focus on your artistry and await your highly integrated deliverables and start implementing!

then this

"Jordan is brilliant! She is always on top of things and I've already tripled my ROI with her in just three short months!! I'd 100% recommend her."


multiplyed her books 4x


"Think Jo's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"




real results

A year from now you
will have wished you started today....

So let's get started!

"I went from sitting around 1/2 my day relying on walk-ins to being booked 3 months out within 3 short months. I'm still in shock."


tripled her income

Yes, It Really Works

"I went from working PT in my lash biz to FT in a matter of 4 months with Jo's system."


scaled her business by 5x

"Jo's communication and organization was a breath of fresh air. I wasted so much money trying to DIY before I found her. 100% worth the investment."



You're stronger than you think you are. Just because techy design isn't your cup of jo, there's no need to shut down and push your booth renting dreams aside. There are so many options out there. You just want to know what works.

You're in the right place.

Claim your spot in the next 4 days and receive $1,000 off my entire VIP Signature Method!! Plus receive promo codes to my fav CRM/payment processor software, Gloss Genius + ALL of my inside coaching and training to take you from commission salon mindset to confident CEO.

Claim your spot in the next 4 Days!

claim your spot

promo code


"This is your day. This is the time to go after it all.


Be booking your ideal clients and critiquing your techniques that bring high reward — both financially and creatively.

Increasing your average booking per client (my clients report an over 250% increase!).

Be able to clearly articulate who your ideal client is and how to attract them confidently

Have a clear actionable plan in place for scaling your business and taking things to the next level. 

Know what to post and when on socials so you can get on with it as well as a marketing strategy outside of posting.

Be able to manage your income like a boss and never have to worry about business tasks slipping through the cracks again.

By the end of our time together, you will...

claim my spot!

"Following that one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

— Sarah

"This program transformed my business!"

"Put another highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."


"This program was the best investment—ever!"

"And another one-liner highlight from your client's testimonial you are going to want to add the entire thing hear to really drive home how awesome people think your course or product is."

and another NAME GOES HERE

"This program has gotten me my dream clients!"

I'm Jo, your new Beauty Industry Coach.

I'm a digital design and operations expert, self-education mastermind, data-obsessed algorithm devoter, brand detail-loving strategist, hype-girl for individualists, small town fur mama, frequent flier, old fashion mixologist, and official banana pancake-flipper for my happy fam of three.

You see? I wear many hats and I can bet that you do too.

I want to help you build that platform that not only attracts your ideal clients, but keeps you continuously booked months on out starting, well, how bout as soon as possible?

like stories? I've got a good one

hey there!

I now have the time and income to further myself

Building this method that I now share with the world didn't happen over night. Hell, it didn't happen in a year. This method took trial and error for 8 years!

At the age of 23, I started streamlining operations for a Fortune 500 company, and little did I know, that job would spark an idea that became my one-way ticket out of that stuffy office. I started investing in everything design education, endless hours of creating and implementing systems until I built the method that actually delivered consistent results from a holistic approach to running a successful business. When building out this system, it reminded me of the creativity that's engrained in us as artists. Always pushing beyond the limits and fabricating new and improved techniques.  

just like you transform your clients, i transform mine as well.

but it wasn't always this way.

This method is the only one of its kind because...

IT addresses every little detail you need in place to be a success...for you. 

So much education out there for our industry and yet, it's all in bits and pieces. How overwhelming!! You just want it all done and off your plate because you aren't passionate about building business lead capture or workflows or tracking data or or or... I mean, can I get an amen??

Some will even sell you that you only need this ONE THING to make your business soar. Sure, but that one thing is only going to last so long before the algorithm changes again (like next week) and you're back to being inconsistent again. Don't fall for fads in the business world. Funnels and lead capture with client experience automation isn't going anywhere for a long time and the sooner you get it implemented into your beauty business, the sooner you'll be WAY ahead of the game and truly making your mark in this industry. 


Cold-pressed cray health goth ethical aesthetic typewriter. YOLO af copper mug single-origin coffee, deep v pop-up street art kogi kale chips. Activated charcoal four dollar toast raclette copper mug, fanny pack shabby chic kale chips thundercats. Etsy four loko fashion axe, echo park lomo meditation fam occupy cronut cold-pressed iPhone 3 wolf moon af pitchfork deep v.

Post-ironic poutine truffaut bicycle rights, skateboard brunch sartorial. Mustache flexitarian glossier pickled tumblr. Migas wayfarers hammock, biodiesel deep v kale chips adaptogen seitan cred umami +1 palo santo. Stumptown bitters forage meditation gastropub, thundercats lo-fi.

get clarity on your business and life goals

Plan based on your custom goals

brand built around your personal ideal client

Follow a proven roadmap

This program includes everything you need to launch your beauty business!

Jo does your entire build out, for you to focus on your passion while the tools you need to run the business of your dreams are being built in the background to multiply your ROI 4x over within your first 6-8 months!! 

Running your business intentionally with strategy

Being consistent with your client experience

Attracting your ideal clients and working on mastering that service that you want to fill your books. 

Building a dream business system that will ensure you're continued growth and more time to operate in your zone of genius.

Creating and sustaining processes and systems for added efficiency and profitability. 

Feeling more balanced, and rested, and in alignment with what you're wanting to create for your life.

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:


Want more of a detailed itemized list of what you're wanting?? Fill out form below and I'll send you my proposal

Try My Method for 12 months. Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

Schedule a call with Jo at your year mark if you don't see the results BIBRC has promised, than she'd be more than happy to go through your system and go over your data with you! You must follow through with your promise in running the system as it should be ran though in order to get your full 100% refund. You've got this and we believe in you! You're going to do great things!! 

money back 


This      for you if:

You're starting fresh and just want all the techy stuff taken off your plate

You're overwhelmed by this

YOu ARE IN the beauty industry & want to build confidence

YOU'RE NOT WILLING to change your habits

you're ready to make a huge impact in your financial goals

It's probably       for you if...

you don't care to stand out in this industry



It's probably
for you if...


Let's Do This Thing!

How long is this going to take?

As long as communication is great (any questions I ask you - answered within 24 hours), you can expect to have all your deliverables within 12 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I pay for this and get no value or it affected my business in no way, can I get my money back?

100%! I am so confident in my proven Signature Method, that if you run your business with my strategy and see none of the the promises, I'll give you a FULL refund.

I already have a logo and brand design that I love. Do I still have to pay full price?

No. I will happily work with you and your current brand as long as you feel that it 100% represents you and your ideal client. Email me about this and I will send you the details, happily!

What if I'm just wanting certain parts of your method?

Although I love that you're interested in certain aspects, the method and system only gives the results I promise as a whole. 


Artists/ Entrepreneurs Served


Lead Magnets


My clients system profits this year


Number of times I've cried about that
shoot me an email

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your business is an important one! Let's chat about it.

Still on the fence?