
Boost Your Beauty Business with AI: SEO Strategies for Beauty Artists

June 9, 2023

Did you know, on average, about 90% of beauty industry solopreneurs aren’t using SEO strategies in their email marketing or a consistent marketing strategy at all? Crazy, right? (Well maybe not that crazy considering who in the heck has the time and knowhow for it. As I started accepting more clients and growing the BIBRC […]

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Did you know, on average, about 90% of beauty industry solopreneurs aren’t using SEO strategies in their email marketing or a consistent marketing strategy at all? Crazy, right? (Well maybe not that crazy considering who in the heck has the time and knowhow for it.

As I started accepting more clients and growing the BIBRC brand, I knew I had to find a strategy to get things needed for my business, done faster. The largest item on my marketing list is not only creating resources for all my beauty artist solopreneurs, but figuring out what topics you needed help with most in your businesses overall.

After exploring many different software platforms, none of them could compete like ChatGPT. I started with Instagram’s insights and search feed, and although those are still great resources to go to for inspiration, by time you use that inspo to create your own content, people are already past that trend and it’s onto the next. I knew I had to unmask the potential of AI in SEO for all my beauty artists out there after playing around with it and seeing the results.

In today’s blog post, I’m breaking down why I’m not only recommending you take advantage of AI in your beauty business, but how to use it without taking away your authenticity, what it looks like and what the benefits are (plus, my worst mistake) so you can determine if Chat GPT is going to be the best marketing tool for your beauty biz like it was for me.

Why I’m incorporating Chat GPT into my business marketing

When BIBRC was first founded, my clientele base was smaller. I was only taking on 1-2 beauty artists each quarter, so I had the time to research and research and research some more on my marketing headlines and context. However, now that I’m taking on 6 artists each quarter, all ranging from hairstylists, estheticians, brow & lash artists, tattoo artists and massage therapists…that time for creating valuable resources for my audience not yet ready for the VSM 2.0 method, has drastically been cut down. These were the main issues I had with creating content (and let me know if you can relate):

  1. Lack of efficiency – Having multiple platforms to watch constantly was becoming a huge time sucker and although I spend time on all our social media platforms to cheer on my artist following on all the masterpieces they’re creating and all the things they’re doing for their businesses, it was becoming a minimum of a 2 hour time suck every single day. I don’t know about you, but my husband is in roofing and it’s spring, which means this roofing wife is also a FT mama with no free outside help like family to help with my son. TIME.IS.EVERYTHING.
  2. Irrelevant Content – One of the largest concerns with creating valuable content was that I’d sit down at the beginning of the month, research and come up with my whole months worth of content based solely off of trends and what my audience was liking at the given time. However, by the time it got posted (weeks later), it was no longer relevant. That’s because it is a trend and trends on social media only last for so long. Being an artist, your work outcomes will never go out of date and I don’t want this to sway you away from posting. In fact, I want you to do the opposite. Keep reading.
  3. Not knowing exactly what my audience was wanting to know – This is something that no social media platform can tell you. They can’t tell you what your ideal clientele is wanting. Their algorithms can’t even target your ideal client and where they’re showing up most. I knew I needed to find an easier way to find where my ideal clients were and what they were needing to know and I knew my current method wasn’t returning my ROI for the time I was spending in research. Every artist needs inspiration and in the digital world. As artists, in whatever our niche may be, we must always be evolving while never losing who we are. It’s a balance and I’m going to teach you how to keep that balance with adding AI into your marketing strategy.

Though I still use insights for internal aspects such as topics that help my clients and different ways for them to show up on our social media platforms, I needed something more powerful and robust for all my content creation needed for my audience that wasn’t necessarily going to be “trending” but content that my audience would be looking for for the entire year.

How To Use Chat GPT for SEO

If you’re not using ChatGPT yet, I totally get it – it can be intimidating to know where to start or how to use it for the best results. Even if you’re already using it, you may not know just how helpful it can be for your SEO…if you know the right prompts. I took the time to write you some great prompts to get you started in boosting your beauty business with AI. Check them out!

Here is a Bad Prompt example: “Please come up with some blog post ideas for a wedding hairstylist.”

Here is a Good Prompt example: “Please give me 3 blog post ideas that a wedding hairstylist based in Kansas City could write for SEO purposes. These post titles should contain these keywords: Kansas City, weddings, luxury, hairstyles. Titles should be 50-160 characters and have keywords in the beginning of the title.

Here is a Bad Prompt example: “Please write a short author bio for an esthetician.”

Here is a Good Prompt example: “Please write a short author bio for an esthetician who is based in Kansas City, MO. This bio should not be more than 100 words. Mention I’m a new business and that I bring a lot of new and modern techniques to deliver faster results. Speak in a very professional tone. Please invite readers to view my portfolio page at the end. Please write in 3rd person. Use the following keywords for SEO: best Kansas City Esthetician, Esthetician in Kansas City, Esthetician Studio.

Here is a Bad Prompt example: “Keywords for a brow tech”

Here is a Good Prompt example: “Please provide me with a list of mid-tail and long-tail SEO keywords for a brow tech based in Kansas City, MO. These keywords should be optimized for local SEO. My business specializes in natural looking brows and pigmentation as well as PMU removal.”

Here is a Bad Prompt example: “Please write a blog post for me titled “5 ways to rid your skin of acne forever.”

Here is a Good Prompt example: “Hello, I want to create a blog post titled “5 ways to rid your skin of acne forever.” I would like you to help me with a blog post outline. This post is written to women and men ages 14-40. I would like to talk about identifying the source of the acne, diet, and also include a FAQ. Please use these keywords: How to heal teenage acne, hormonal acne, healing hormonal acne, and causes of acne.

Here is a Bad Prompt example: “I am an online extensions coach. Please write a service description for my coaching service.”

Here is a Good Prompt example: “Please write a description of my online coaching service. I specialize in hair extensions for hairstylists. Use keywords like time management coaching, hair business coaching, online coaching for hairstylists, and entrepreneur coaching. Please write a fun and casual tone. Please write to a female audience.

How to use ChatGPT without losing your authenticity

Now…here is what I’m hearing from artist influencers…”by the time I figure out the right prompt, I could have just wrote it myself“. I’m here to challenge you in that aspect. I want you to actually experiment with it and type out that “good prompt” and as soon as you’ve finished typing it out, before clicking enter, ask yourself, what is the answer I’m wanting? If you can in fact think of the answer on your own in that moment, you’ve in fact not wasted any time and coming up with a good prompt was all the help you needed to give yourself for inspiration. BUT, if you’re sitting for more than 5 seconds, you have now wasted your own valuable time and still don’t have the answer you desire.

See my point? Say you’re a FT parent, your marketing time could very well be the time you could be spending with your kids, your family. What about getting quality sleep, meditating, working on your physical health…the list is endless.

Harnessing AI to elevate your beauty brand’s digital presence doesn’t mean you’ve given up your authenticity. I’m not asking you to give that up. I’m asking you to use ChatGPT as inspiration and to take back your very priceless time and to unveil the benefits of what it can do for your SEO. Tweak the answers, make them your own and throw in some SEO strategically. You may surprise yourself with what you come up with just by working on a good prompt.

What are the benefits of using ChatGPT?

Time management has got to be the main one here. I skipped right to it. When you use ChatGPT as I’ve shown you above, you’ll see it in real life, give you pretty darn close to exactly what you needed in a manner of 2 seconds. Literally. It really is quite remarkable. Did I use it to create this blog post? No, but I definitely could have. In today’s digital era, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for businesses of all sizes. As a beauty artist, leveraging the power of technology can help you enhance client experience, streamline operations, and boost your overall business managerial tasks. Although there are ways you can use ChatGPT in your website, I personally think as artists, our largest advantage is our creativity and how no computer software can compete with our personal knowledge and touch. Let’s get to it though:

5 ways you can boost your business with AI

  1. Shorten your time in creating your monthly content creation:
    • You can do this by using the free version of ChatGPT in just asking it questions in the correct formatting like I’ve shown you above.
  2. Update your website DIY style:
    • Use AI to your advantage and ask it to help you create copy for your about section or your homepage that includes your list of custom keywords for your business. Using keywords in your headlines is HUGE and extremely important for SEO to work properly and even though SEO is a long game, it’s benefits will outweigh any other marketing tactic in the long run. I promise you, this will boost your beauty business’ presence.
  3. Add email marketing to your marketing pillars:
    • You know how beneficial they are to reach your entire audience, however, once again, that time management issue remains to be a problem. Well now you can! Realistically, at the beginning of email marketing, you aren’t going to just whip up an email with strategy and all the research for whatever you’re wanting yours to be about in a quick 30 minutes. It’s going to take a little bit of time at first to get comfortable. But out of 730 hours available to you each month, surely, you can start out by carving 1 hour out for email marketing each month, right? Make it even easier on yourself with crazy easy to use templates in the link labeled above “email marketing” to get you going. I use Flodesk and I love the way my emails turn out every single time. If you aren’t on my juicy email list where you get all my resources and freebies plus my intriguingly insightful blog post updates like this one, click here and get signed up! I promise I won’t spam you. I really do make sure to pack them full with all the good stuff you’ve been seeking; )
  4. Data-driven Insights and Analytics:
    • This one is slightly more complex, but stay with me. Understanding your clients and their preferences is essential for growing your beauty artist business. ChatGPT can generate valuable insights and analytics by analyzing client interactions. It can track FAQ’s, popular product requests (more on this coming next month…it’s going to knock your socks off), and client feedback, providing your with actionable data to refine your services, improve client satisfaction, and identify new business opportunities by what your ideal clientele is looking for most. By leveraging ChatGPT, you can optimize your marketing strategies, and offer an even better client experience. So incredibly nice to not have to take a swing in the dark anymore! See the potential of AI in SEO now?
  5. Social Media Management
    • Last but most certainly not least, automation for social media. There are several platforms out there that handle scheduling, streamlining and optimization. ChatGPT will complete those same tasks, including:
      • Advertising: ChatGPT can analyze data to recommend the best ad formats and creative elements for a company’s campaign.
      • Analysis: The program can analyze data and provide insights on consumer behavior, preferences and trends to provide actionable insights for creating a stronger strategy.
      • Scheduling: I know I know, most of you already know that you can already do with this within Facebook & Instagram, but ChatGPT can take it a step further and schedule out your posts based on your audience behavior, preferences and peak usage times (which those two platforms cannot do on their own right now).

The worst mistake I made when adding ChatGPT to my business

If I’m being completely transparent, I did make one mistake: Adding ChatGPT into my workflows with a brand new growing team (doh, as Homer would react). I just rebranded in September of 2022 and revamped everything about my VIP Signature Method now known as VSM 2.0 along with the workflows. Per the usual, to stay up to date with everything in the digital world, this new thing came along and I knew I needed to figure out how my audience could optimize it to help them stand out even more in this cut throat beauty industry.

So what did I do?

I added it to our workflows, which made it an additional new item to learn for my team, sorry guys. When you’re already giving them new processes, it’s like attaching a fire hydrant to their mouths with information. Just take it from me, don’t do this to yourself if you’re already learning a ton on your business and feeling overwhelmed. I can say with confidence though that we don’t regret the mistake, just the timing ha. It really has cut my time down and helped give me content that my audience is already looking for (while keeping my authenticity in tact) and cutting the time out for them with finding my business website that gives them everything that they’ve been looking for in a one-stop-spot.

Ready to take back your time?

Overall, ChatGPT has been incredibly beneficial and useful for my clients and my business personally. With the time saving technology, real-time data and analytics, and communication inspiration, it can truly make your beauty industry solopreneur business a lot easier to manage in getting all of your managerial tasks completed with more efficiency. Needing your own custom keywords to use with ChatGPT? Click here and I’ll get them to you within 48 hrs!

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I'm Jo, your new beauty industry booth rent coach

I'm a small-town Kansas educator, digital designer, brand enthusiast, & workflow strategist with big dreams and a burning desire to elevate client experience in our beauty industry nationwide.

Very into: gorgeous frothy lattes, streamlined systems, and hyping beauty artists up while giving them the tools to impact their lives and their community in a HUGE way. Avoiding small talk since 1991.

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